I said I would write about this "TRUST" matter. Here goes!
Many years ago I met my husband to be and did not know all the trouble I would inherit by accepting his proposal for marriage and to change my name to his. I thought it would be a great signature for my paintings - Karen Kelly. Little did I know that marrying a rich man and an attorney (at that) would put me through "hell and back". Now that I am officially a widow for twenty years this April 4th, 2018, I can report to the entire world what can happen if you marry a "man of means" (by no means - thank you Roger Miller).
Legal documents were drawn up from the "very beginning" - an ante-nuptial agreement - all unfair - but he had been "burned" by two other wives and that gave him the excuse. I often thought he didn't "see" me. I often said to him, I'm not "so and so". My attorney looked over the ante-nuptial agreement and told me not to marry or sign it. Circumstances happened. I married him. The document stood.
Then, the TRUST, the KLK TRUST was initiated, formed and solidified into legal perpetuity - a judgement hammer - a historical memorandum to haunt me the rest of my life on this planet!
The TRUST, the TRUST. I must, I must, I must follow the TRUST!
My word to any woman who decides to hang her future upon the "generosity" of a rich man, may be horrified at the power he holds over her through the TRUST.
WOMAN - be sure you get your education, plan for your own financial future and do not TRUST.
At 81 years of age it's time for me to think about getting another job! No, I won't be a greeter and I won't settle for less than what I've earned.
We can speak of love and sweet words, too. That was all part of the marriage.
However and forever, let these words ring clear "TRUST NOT"!
Karen, my heart goes out to you for the situation you find yourself in. It was the sign of the times when you signed into that marriage. Woman followed the husband in decisions. Even though you did get advice on the matter. But we all make our choices from where we are at at the time. But to get to the dealing with what is on your plate now. How about we team up to market our stuff. We're both artists and we have product (or things we can make more product from) It's always easier when we have another person that has the same issue pushing them. (I need to support me too!) As of June 3rd, 2018- I'm going full time in marketing by books and journals and cards. How about we meet up and come up with plans (and implement them) to sell our stuff? Over the last few months I have been focused on make products and I'm launching a YouTube Channel for my pen name. Plus I want to release a podcast for my real name for my non-fiction books. Lots of ideas to get into motion. I would LOVE to work with you- you're brilliant- so what do you say? We live right around the corner from each other and I have a recording studio and studio to work in. If you don't want to be a greeter...this is just another option! Hope to hear from you.