Friday, August 10, 2012


Summer 2012 has been challenging for this "Widder Lady". Storms have knocked down tree branches again. Last year one of the huge oak trees "out front" was hit hard. A huge branch broke from it's "center" and required heavy "cherry picking" equipment to be brought in. Drove in across neighbor's yard. Oh my! Twenty five hundred dollars later, the tree still stands and put out "extra" coverage to hid its wounds.

This year, more limbs have fallen from weaker trees. I pulled one limb to the driveway and gradually lopped off the small limbs and twigs. Then, I used one of the new pruning saws that came as part of my being a member of the National Home Gardening Club. It worked, but I had to watch my shoulder muscles and not "over-do". I pulled the bigger pieces over the driveway ledge and led them fall. I will take them to the back fence line to rot away.

More overhanging branches from old trees along the back fence line "gave way" to the weight of wild grape vines a few weeks ago. I lopped off some of the branches and pulled what bigger ones I could over to the fence line. There is still a pile of branches and debris waiting for me or "someone" to remove. The yard mowing guys mowed over part of the smaller branches. I figure if they go back and forth over them again and again, my "work" will be even easier. Just a week before they had been doing the annual clean-up, prunning the bushes by the side of the house down to "small shrub size" again. They had taken several truck loads of branches, leaves, weeds and yard debris away. It was wonderful to see "things looking good again".

As I write this, I can hear mowers running around the cottage. Wondering if I will get out in time to ask them to use the blower on the two cottage porches - saving me from another outside task. I'm also thinking about the water running into the old hot tub area and what I can do to clean it up.

The pool guys and I discussed possible solutions for this "problem area". This "hot tub" worked many years ago - at least 25 years ago. It was added on to the main pool as a triangular shaped spa area. There were "seats" and a plexiglass divider between it and the pool. It required a separate set of equipment - motor, bubbler, heater, strainer. It was expensive to run! Then, somehow it was ruined - and I think it was because I had a huge bolder put in as a "design element" into another triangle-shaped bed. I think it broke the pipes.

(Time for a break - go outside). Met with landscaper guy "chief" to discuss hot tub situation. We turned off the water that I was running through to clear it all up. Suggested some Clorox (may not do it - fumes).  He will call his cement guy for possible solution of filling it in with cement and "be done with it". Would give me a nice area to set the long outdoor lounge chair again. Used to set it down on the rocks, but it wasn't the best solution. Struggled with this "problem area" too long. It's time to solve it! Onward!

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