Now that I've made it 'round the bend (that's how my mind sees the calender - as a loop) into a New Year and have completed 75 years upon this planet, I'm rethinking "to what purpose" should I spend the last quarter century? I have plenty of great ideas (I'm always thinking of one idea after another - on and on).
Stop: Take a long, slow deep breath before I go forward with this writing. Do not react, do not react, do not react. Respond. Stop and have a cup of tea, use the new foot massager and relax!
Continuing with my groups taking risks of adding new people, new events to "the mix". Continuing teach adult beginners at Karen's Studio 125 in Essex Studios.
I am choosing to "Simplify My Life" - moving from accumulating and acquiring to a home that reflects choices that are healthy. I follow several web sites that offer support and caring toward this goal. I've made some on-line friendships that mean a lot. Found a fun one called "I Done This". It's a way of keeping an on-going list.
Hoping you all are starting out 2012 with enthusiasm and energy. Here we go again!
Here is a picture taken from the back porch of "The Cottage".